Where can I get the most to sell/trade my car in Batesville, AR?
If you want a new car but are confused about what to do with the existing one, you’re at the right place. While you can buy a new vehicle at Mark Martin Kia, you can also sell or trade your current model here. And the best part? You’ll make the most by selling/trading your car at our dealership in Batesville, AR!
Thanks to our experienced professionals, we can get a premium trade-in value for you to turn your used vehicle into savings in minutes. Want to know more about selling or trading a car before deciding? Keep reading to learn more.

Is it better to trade or sell my car?
Trading a car is way more hassle-free than selling it. If you sell your vehicle privately, you’ll have to do a lot of research to find the perfect buyer. Moreover, you might not be able to sell your old car until you buy a new one. In that case, you won’t be able to use that money for a down payment. On the other hand, when you trade a car, the dealership takes care of all the paperwork. If you trade your existing vehicle at our dealership, you can go home with a brand-new Kia or a used car by using the trade-in amount as the down payment for the new vehicle.
Reserve a new Kia at Mark Martin Kia
At Mark Martin Kia, we’ve an extensive inventory of new Kia and used vehicles. However, if you’re looking for a specific model that’s not in stock, you can reserve it at Mark Martin Kia. You can fill out the following form to order your favorite car.
How trading a car is beneficial during the inventory shortage?
Because of the global chip shortage, dealerships are left with very few cars in their inventories. Due to this, the price of the available vehicles has gone up. That’s where trading an old car helps. If you trade your current vehicle, you’ll save a lot of money when it comes to paying for your new car.
Get online pre-approval for financing a new Kia in Batesville, AR